Gude & Meis
Lars Gude and Jos Meis have turned their passion for antique clocks into their profession. This resulted into a fine collection of rare antique clocks that represent their knowledge and taste. High quality and authenticity are of utmost importance tot them. Besides clocks they sell barometers and mechanical music boxes. Because of the wide variety in the stock there is always an object for the collector or the less experienced buyer.
The collection consists of 17th – 19th C klokken among which mantel clocks, longcase clocks, travel clocks, carriage clocks, latern clocks, cartel clock, bracket clocks, table clocks, regulators, chronometers, skeleton clocks, Black Forest clocks, astronomical clocks, musical clocks, calendar clocks, mystery clocks, rack clocks, Frisian clocks, mechanical music boxes, barometers etc.
At Gude & Meis a clock is not only perceived as an antique object but as an unique work of art that deserves a special place just as a sculpture or a painting. Because of the wide variety there is always a clock that will fit in a modern or more classical interior. There is the possibility when possible to show items at home of the customer. In this way, a better consideration can be made before buying a piece. We are willing to advise on the pieces and give all the back ground information and history around our pieces. Of course clocks will the clocks be shipped, possibly installed and sold with garanty on functioning and authenticity.
Gude & Meis can also provide … restoration or repair for your clocks, barometers or musical boxes. Our year long experience guarantees a resposibly approach to the work n which authenticity, appearance and quality. Before commencing with the work there will always be a cost quote.
Gude & Meis can provide appraisals of antique clocks and timepieces for insurance, market value and inheritance. We are affiliated to the TMV and certified appraisers with Hobeon.
Gude & Meis annually exhibits at PAN Amsterdam.
Gude & Meis antique clocks is affiliated with the KVHOK, CINOA, TMV, Horological Foundation.
Lars Gude

Lars Gude completed his tuition to become clockmaker at the clockmakers school at Schoonhoven. Soon after he started restoring clocks, he started trading. From 1980 on he did this from his shop at the Overtoom in Amsterdam. In the following years the business became international renowned fort he quality and authenticity of the clocks. He participated in many international fairs, is expert for the Dutch ‘Antiques Roadshow’,
is member of vetting committees of fairs, was examinator for the appraisers exam and is a board member of the KVHOK (Royal association traders in antique art).
Jos Meis

Jos Meis completed his Art History master at the Katholic University Nijmegen. He has worked the last 17 years for several antique dealers and auctioneers among which Sotheby’s Amsterdam where he headed the clocks department for 8 ½ years. In this capacitiy he organized many auctions and participated in projects in the USA, Germany and Hong Kong.
He is a certified appraiser Antique Timepieces and board member of the Dutch branch of the Antiquarian Hororlogical Society. From 2013 on Lars Gude and Jos Meis are business partners and display their collection in the gallery in the Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 60, Amsterdam.