Atmos clocksBarometerBracket clocksCandlesticksCartel clocksCarriage clocksChronometersLantern clocksLongcase clockMantel ClocksMusic boxMystery clocksRegulatorsReligieusesRenaissance clocksSkeleton clocksTable clocksTravel clocksWall clocksVariaSoldA small French Louis XV corne verte bracket clock by Coutterez, circa 1745A South German Louis XVI polychrome and parcel gilt rack wall timepiece, circa 1780A small Swiss ‘Neuchâteloise’ alarm wall timepiece, circa 1740An Austrian engraved ‘zappler’ wall timepiece, Weltz S. Pölten, circa 1780A Swiss provincial ‘religieuse’ wall clock, circa 1680An early French lantern timepiece, Rousseau A Lyon, circa 1665A Swiss ‘Kuhschwanz’ alarm wall timepiece, circa 1720A fine English mahogany dial wall timepiece, circa 1820.An engraved French alarm lantern timepiece, circa 1740An early German Black Forest Cuckoo wall clock, circa 1830A small French brass lantern clock with alarm, B J Lefebvre A Paris, circa 1730. Previous Page 1 Page 2