Atmos klokkenBarometersCartel klokkenChronometerKandelaarsLantaarnklokkenMysterieusesPendulesRegulateursReisklokkenReligieusesRenaissance klokkenSkeletklokkenSpeeldozenStaande klokkenTafelklokkenVariaWandklokkenVerkochtAn English ‘strutt’ timepiece, Thomas Cole circa 1870An English mahogany sympiesometer, circa 1825A Swiss miniature guilloche enamel travel timepiece, circa 1920A French Louis XV Boulle inlaid bracket clock, Musson, circa 1740A large French bronze sculptural mantel clock Hercules, circa 1860An East French iron and brass wall alarm timepiece, circa 1830A French Empire bronze cartel clock with quarter repeat, circa 1800A rare cylinder music box Mandoline Quatuor, Conchon et Cie circa 1870A miniature Austrian ormolu wall timepiece, circa 1850A Swiss rosewood cylinder music box Mermod Fréres, circa 1885A Swiss thuja George Baker & Co. cylinder music box, circa 1890A small Austrian ‘Brettl’ wall timepiece, circa 1840A small South German brass wall zappler timepiece, circa 1770A miniature French table lanternclock, circa 1790A French nickel plated atmos clock, J.L. Reutter, circa 1930An English brass skeleton timepiece, Cawdle Torquay mid 19th CenturyA minature German ‘Sorg’ alarm wall timepiece, circa 1840A swiss ‘Nicole Frères’ cylinder music box, circa 1840.A French gilt bronze and marble table thermometer Cleopatra’s Needle, circa 1870 Previous Page 1 … Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Next