Atmos clocksBarometerBracket clocksCandlesticksCartel clocksCarriage clocksChronometersLantern clocksLongcase clockMantel ClocksMusic boxMystery clocksRegulatorsReligieusesRenaissance clocksSkeleton clocksTable clocksTravel clocksWall clocksVariaSold A pair of French Empire patinated bronze and ormolu ewers, circa 1810 An English table clock with date and moonphase for the Dutch market, James Smith, circa 1770 A rare French Empire ormolu and bronze ‘au bon sauvage’ mantel clock Lesieur à Paris, circa 1800 A small Swiss Louis XVI ebonised quarter striking bracket clock, DuComun, circa 1780 An imposing pair of French Louis XVI ormolu and bronze candelabra, François Remond, circa 1800 An important French ‘Amor and Psyche’ mantel clock, design by Claude Michallon, circa 1800 A rare Dutch walnut hooded wall clock by Jacob Hasius, circa 1725. A French animated industrial mantel clock, windmill by Guilmet, circa 1880 A French brass and marble industrial mantel clock, fireplace by Guilmet, circa 1890 A French Empire ormolu urn mantel clock Angevin A Paris, circa 1810 A rare French gilt bronze rococo case travel clock with Sevres panels by Drocourt, circa 1870 A miniature Austrian Boulle and ivory ‘Zappler’ timepiece, circa 1840 An English gilt brass table clock in the manner of Thomas Cole, circa 1860 A rare small French Louis XVI ormolu cartel clock, by Courvoisier, circa 1770 A small French Louis XV corne verte bracket clock by Coutterez, circa 1745 A South German Louis XVI polychrome and parcel gilt rack wall timepiece, circa 1780 A fine Dutch Louis XVI mahogany barometer by P. Wast, circa 1810 A French mahogany ship’s barometer, Charlet au Havre, circa 1820 A South European polychrome fayence sundial, circa 1750 Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next