Atmos clocksBarometerBracket clocksCandlesticksCartel clocksCarriage clocksChronometersLantern clocksLongcase clockMantel ClocksMusic boxMystery clocksRegulatorsReligieusesRenaissance clocksSkeleton clocksTable clocksTravel clocksWall clocksVariaSold A Swiss rosewood cylinder music box with eight airs by Rivenc, circa 1880. A Swiss Art Deco miniature silver guilloche translucent enamel travel clock, circa 1920. A sub miniature Swiss gilt brass and enamel carriage clock, Seasons, circa 1890 A fine Austrian Vienna mahogany Dachluhr wall regulator, circa 1840. An important pair French Empire ormolu and bronze sculptural candelabra, circa 1800 An attractive miniature French gilt brass travel clock, Lepine, circa 1890 A rare small French walnut sculptural ‘zappler’ table clock, Neuburger & Cie, circa 1850. An attractive French gilt brass gadrooned gorge case striking carriage clock, Lepine, circa 1880 A rare miniature French gilt brass carriage clock with pietra dura panels, circa 1870. A small French gorge case carriage clock striking ship’s hours, Le Roy & Fils, circa 1880 An English ebonized table clock with date and moonphase for the Dutch market, Smith & Son, circa 1770. A good Swiss rosewood six air cylinder music box by Bremond, circa 1870. A rare Dutch mahogany two-day chronometer by Andreas Hohwü Amsterdam, circa 1865. A large ormolu and brass skeleton mantel regulator attributed to Hubert Sarton, circa 1820 A rare French gilt bronze mounted kingswood bracket clock by Planchon, circa 1890 An impressive English oak longcase regulator, Armstrong Manchester circa 1880 A pair of French Empire patinated bronze and ormolu ewers, circa 1810 An English table clock with date and moonphase for the Dutch market, James Smith, circa 1770 A rare French Empire ormolu and bronze ‘au bon sauvage’ mantel clock Lesieur à Paris, circa 1800 Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next