Atmos klokkenBarometersCartel klokkenChronometerKandelaarsLantaarnklokkenMysterieusesPendulesRegulateursReisklokkenReligieusesRenaissance klokkenSkeletklokkenSpeeldozenStaande klokkenTafelklokkenVariaWandklokkenVerkochtAn English ebonised table clock with musical mechanism and automaton, Daye Barker London, circa 1760.A small French Regence Boulle inlaid quarter repeating bracket clock, Lieutaud, circa 1730.A miniature French lantern clock with strike and alarm, Lefebvre circa 1750.A fine French Empire ormolu sculptural mantel clock, Chevallier à paris, circa 1800.A French gilt brass ‘sedan chair’ carriage clock, circa 1870A rare miniature French brass striking and alarm lantern clock, circa 1750A rare and large French one-piece grand sonnerie and alarm travel clock, Fumey, circa 1835A fine Japanese lantern clock ‘kake-dokei’ with engraved panels, circa 1800.An early French Capucine travel clock with quarter repeat and alarm, circa 1780.A miniature German Black Forest ‘Sorguhr’ wall clock, Johan Kohler in Neustadt, circa 1830A fine French Empire ormolu urn mantel clock ‘aux têtes de Guerriers’, circa 1815.A fine French gilt and silvered Anglaise carriage clock with calendar, circa 1870.A small English brass striking lantern clock, Thomas Stivers London, circa 1750.A French gorge case carriage clock with rare tourbillon, Victor Reclus, circa 1890.An early French Louis XIV ‘pendule religieuse’ striking wall clock by Louis Baronneau, circa 1670.A Japanese wisteria ‘shaku-dokei’ wall clock, circa 1840.A French Art Deco nickel Reutter patent Atmos clock, circa 1934.A large Swiss ‘bells and drum’ cylinder music box, Rivenc, circa 1880.A large French quarter striking Capucine travel clock, Doyen a Toulouse, circa 1790. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 … Page 20 Next